Quick Start Ubuntu

Released December 12, 2016

ADMB installation for Ubuntu operating system using Debian package manager (dpkg).

Note — Installing ADMB with dpkg is still experimental.


Note — The installation will copy the admb script to /usr/local/bin and put the distribution in /usr/local/admb. It is no longer necessary to append the PATH or to set ADMB_HOME system variables.

  1. Download ADMB debian package

    For Ubuntu 14LTS (64Bit), download admb-11.6pre-ubuntu14-64bit_11.6pre.deb.

    For Ubuntu 16LTS (64Bit), download admb-11.6pre-ubuntu16-64bit_11.6pre.deb.

  2. Install ADMB using Debian package manager (dpkg) as super-user.

    For Ubuntu 14LTS (64Bit), type command

     $ sudo dpkg -i admb-11.6pre-ubuntu14-64bit_11.6pre.deb

    For Ubuntu 16LTS (64Bit), type command

     $ sudo dpkg -i admb-11.6pre-ubuntu16-64bit_11.6pre.deb

Quick Start

Build and run the simple example.

  1. Open Terminal, then type admb for Usage options.

     ~$ admb
     Builds AD Model Builder executable or library.
     Usage: admb [-c] [-d] [-g] [-r] [-f] model [src(s)]
      -c     Build only object file(s) (.obj).
      -d     Build a shared library (.so).
      -g     Build with debug symbols.
      -r     Build with Random effects library (ADMB-RE).
      -f     Build with Fast optimized mode library (no bounds checking).
             By default, admb script builds with bounds checking.
      model  TPL file (ie simple.tpl or the filename simple with no .tpl
      src(s) C/C++ Source file(s) containing classes, methods and variables that
             are used in model.
  2. Copy simple example to HOME directory.

     [~]$ cp -R /usr/local/admb/examples/admb/simple .
  3. Change simple example directory.

     [~]$ cd simple
  4. Build the simple example.

     [~/simple/]$ admb simple
     *** Parse: simple.tpl
     tpl2cpp simple
     *** Compile: simple.cpp
     g++ -c -O3 -I. -I"/usr/local/admb/include" -I"/usr/local/admb/contrib/include" -osimple.obj simple.cpp
     *** Linking: simple.obj 
     g++ -O3 -osimple simple.obj "/usr/local/admb/contrib/lib/libcontrib.a" "/usr/local/admb/lib/libadmb.a"
     Successfully built executable.
  5. Run the simple example.

     [~/simple/]$ ./simple 
     Initial statistics: 2 variables; iteration 0; function evaluation 0; phase 1
     Function value   3.6493579e+01; maximum gradient component mag  -3.6127e+00
     Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   
       1  0.00000 -3.61269e+00 |  2  0.00000 -7.27814e-01 |
      - final statistics:
     2 variables; iteration 7; function evaluation 19
     Function value   1.4964e+01; maximum gradient component mag  -7.0014e-05
     Exit code = 1;  converg criter   1.0000e-04
     Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   
       1  1.90909 -7.00140e-05 |  2  4.07818 -2.08982e-05 |
     Estimating row 1 out of 2 for hessian
     Estimating row 2 out of 2 for hessian

Read manuals for more information.

For help and support, contact users@admb-project.org.

ADMB Foundation © 2007–2024